Stage 2 - Candlez and Cupcakes and Bombz, Oh My!

Get the coin and the gauntletz, kill the enemy grunt and smash bricks until you hit the gold one. Step back and with another grunt take the bomb and blow up the bricks. Your last grunt gets the goober straw and sucks up the puddle. Attack the thief grunt with the straw and then with the gauntletz. When you've killed both enemy gruntz get back your straw and suck up the two puddlez. Get the megaphone and both your gruntz probably need some zap cola. Suck up another puddle and put the new grunt on the creation pad. Give him the bomb from your resourcez. Step with both other gruntz on the purple switches so your bomb grunt can press the red hold switch. Now one of your other gruntz can enter the rolling ball area. The bomb grunt passes the rolling balls and blows up the bricks. The other grunt passes the balls and waits there.

The grunt still outside the rolling ball area walks back and triggers the red warp.

Gruntz - High On Sweetz: Candlez and Cupcakes and Bombz red warp 1 Gruntz - High On Sweetz: Candlez and Cupcakes and Bombz red warp 2

After entering the red warp get the coin and the spinning wheel gives you turbo speed. Carefully but quickly pass the balls, get another coin and return through the red warp.

Go back to the purple pyramids. The other grunt holds the red switch so he can enter this area. One of your gruntz goes downstairs the other gets the coin. The pyramids are controlled by the rolling balls at the right of the maze. Wait until the pyramids go down, get the megaphone and hit the green toggle switch. Now the other gruntz goes downstairs too, proceeds to the first black one switch and gets the jump rope. Now walk to the second and third black one switch and wait just after the black pyramids. Now your other grunt gets the coin in the maze, walks back and follows the same path to get out off the maze. Give the magnifying glass to the straw grunt, give the jump rope to the enemy sword grunt, hit the black one switch and together proceed to the checkpoint.

Gruntz - High On Sweetz: Candlez and Cupcakes and Bombz smash bricks
Smash the proper bricks and put the gauntletz grunt on the lower green hold switch. Step on the arrows with the spy grunt. As soon as he passes a two-arrow put the gauntletz grunt on the upper switch. The center switch is merely a diversion! Now put the spy grunt on the right green hold switch. Step on the arrows with the gauntletz grunt and as soon as he passes a two-arrow put the spy grunt on the left switch. Put the spy grunt on the timer switch and enter the pyramid maze with the gauntletz grunt and get the warp letter.
Gruntz - High On Sweetz: Candlez and Cupcakes and Bombz maze

After hitting the timer switch the gauntletz grunt enters the maze and waits on spot 1. When the pyramids are down for the second time wait on spot 2. You can walk towards the warp letter when the pyramids are down for the third time. After getting the warp letter hit the timer switch again and walk straight out of the maze.

The gauntlet grunt enters the next maze, smashes the cake, gets the coin and leaves the maze again.

Gruntz - High On Sweetz: Candlez and Cupcakes and Bombz maze spy

The gauntletz grunt follows path 1 and 2, the spy grunt partly follows path 1 and then path 3.

Now the spy grunt walks through the maze. The gauntlet grunt smashes one of the timebombed cakes and then kills both enemy gun hat gruntz. Just step aside if they try to hit you. Smash all cakez and you'll find a lot of holes, some zap cola, a coin and the warpstone. (Don't pick it up yet). Now get the hidden megaphone.
Gruntz - High On Sweetz: Candlez and Cupcakes and Bombz hidden megaphone
The spy grunt gets the shovel from the resourcez. Close the hole near the toob, open the one next to it and you'll find the secret ? switch.
Gruntz - High On Sweetz: Candlez and Cupcakes and Bombz secret switch 1 Gruntz - High On Sweetz: Candlez and Cupcakes and Bombz secret switch 2

Hitting the secret ? switch gives access to the toob tool for a short period. Get it with your shovel grunt. Swim down the pool, pick up the coin at the left before you go upstairs. Enter the maze and pass the two-way arrows at the right time.

Now smash the lower bricks of the right castle wall get the warpstone and give it to the king.

Stage 1 - Just Wing It | Stage 3 - You Take The High Road And I'll Take The Low